A maintenance study can be performed to provide a general itemized list of specific items that need to be addressed as part of the building maintenance program.
A reserve study is budget planning that provides an overview of items that will need maintenance or repair and what money needs to be set aside in the reserves for these expenses.
Inspections, repair drawings, and monitoring of repairs can be provided for any aspects of a building that are damaged due to improper construction, water damage, degradation, age, and more.
Evaluation of existing structures are performed and repair drawings are created to restore the structure back to a safe and habitable condition.
Inspection and evaluation are performed to determine the extent of the damage. Repair drawings and monitoring of the repairs are provided to restore the structure back to a safe and habitable condition.
Conditional surveys are typically performed on structures prior to the construction of roadways, utilities, and the removal of large items including old tanks, vaults, debris, and more. Once the construction is completed, an assessment is performed to document any new damage as a result of the construction activities.
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